TV and celebrities
On the web, Thammy Miranda shows the result of a hair transplant

Local council member Tammy Miranda It has a new look. On social networks, son Gretchen Followers were surprised when the super result was shown Capillary transplantation It is done in the head area. This procedure was done a few months ago, but only now has the celebrity chosen to reveal it to the public.
In the caption, Tammy thanks the professional in charge for helping him battle baldness. “What do you think of this before and after? “asked the heir to the internet queen, who soon read a series of comments in the post.
You can even update your profile picture new man. Poetry is everything, and the most important thing is our self-esteem.”announced one of his followers. “It was already a cat, and now it’s more.”said another fan. After that, the influencer continues to give thanks.
“When something good is done, we need to be congratulated. Today I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Tony Ruston, look what he did. I am hairy once again”, I finish. Tammy Miranda is a member of the Rio de Janeiro City Council and has a habit of posting his administration’s progress as an MP on social networks.
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