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Florianópolis hosts the Regional Science and Technology Fair for Public Schools

Florianópolis hosts the Regional Science and Technology Fair for Public Schools

Based on the theme of Exploring the Frontiers, students from the Florianópolis State Education Network presented their works at the 12th Regional Science and Technology Fair, at the State Institute of Education (IEE) Gymnasium. The event took place on Tuesday, the 20th, and 150 students from 60 public schools participated in the fair, where 60 works were displayed, under the supervision of 60 teachers.

“Governor Jorginho asks us to make the learning of our students the main focus and that is what we strive to achieve every day. The collaboration of the municipalities is essential so that we can make Santa Catarina a place with an education that will benefit our young people and the country and its development,” highlights the Minister of Education of Santa Catarina, Aristides Simadone.

Students were divided into three categories: early primary education, final primary education and secondary/vocational education. The first category was an exhibition only. The others were able to compete.

“There are 60 jobs, in a world of over 100 schools. We know the effort every student and teacher put in to get here. This experience will be remembered by each and every one of you. Thank you for believing in good public education,” said Assistant Secretary of Education Patricia Lueders.

Since the beginning of August, several fairs have been held in the state, and many will continue this month and in September. Fairs have already been held in Rio do Sul, Taiu, Mafra, and Ituporanga. Tubarão, Chapeco, Blomino, São Lourenço do Oeste, Campos Novos, Curitibanos, Brusque, Itapiranga, and São Joaquim are some of the cities that will still hold their fairs.

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