FGTS (Time Guarantee Fund) correction refers to TR (reference rate, index adopted to correct FGTS indices), which was insignificant, with values lower than the inflation index (such as INPC, which is used to correct workers’ wages).
The Supreme Federal Court (STF) has ruled in other cases that the TR index does not reflect true inflation in Brazil, which ends up causing losses to workers. Most recently, discussion was again on the agenda at STF, which had scheduled a trial date on the topic for May 13th, however, it was postponed and no date was set for returning to the discussion.

All Brazilian (or foreign) workers with FGTS deposits who have worked with a portfolio record, i.e. under the CLT system (urban, rural, temporary, independent workers, seasonal and professional athletes) and have any FGTS credit from 1999 to 2013 whether retired or not, whether He withdraws the amount or not.
FGTS Correction Values
Many workers are unsure whether or not the potential FGTS monetary correction will be beneficial, it depends, and not everyone will get a “whopping sum”. However, there are many accounts that give extremely high values of 17,000 Rials, 70,000 Rials, or 125,000 Rials. On the one hand, the other calculations weren’t very useful, as they yielded values up to R $ 100.
What will determine whether the values review will help the worker is the salary he earned over the years, the time he earned these values, and whether the company has deposited all amounts into FGTS accounts associated with his employment contract.
In fact, the correction calculation will be made on the value of the JAM (interest rate and cash adjustment) balances and not on the final balance of the escrow fund.
In order for the worker to be sure that the FGTS correction will be beneficial to him, just keep in mind the time he worked for the same company, was paid a reasonable salary, in this case the review will be useful.
But those who changed jobs a lot, and had lower wages, when simulating the values of corrections, would find that the review would not be helpful either.
Accounts receivable account
The operator can simulate the FGTS correction values, as follows:
Take the amount of 8% of the salary you earn throughout the month during your employment period;
Adds up to 3% benefit from FGTS itself; And more
Update funds on a reference rate basis, such as INPC or IPCA.
The calculation must be done very carefully. Since it will be performed by JAM, and calculate the differences between TR and INPC, so it is necessary to return the index applied to FGTS accounts, remove it from TR and replace it with INPC.
You can access the FGTS Statement through the Caixa Econômica Federal website:
Edited by Jorge Roberto Rigt-Cunha – Journalist for the Journal Contabelle
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