Documentary arrives on Netflix on Wednesday (13) DB Cooper: Hiding in the Aira miniseries that tells one of America’s most famous and cinematic heists: the story of the man who hijacked a plane and stole hundreds of thousands of dollars with impunity – whose identity remains a mystery five decades later.
The new streaming original production follows in the footsteps of legendary D.B. Cooper as he attempts to uncover new facts about this legendary heist. Plus, it still shows how this mystery is something that continues to spur American society so long after that even ordinary people are pursuing their own investigations.
Thus, the series mixes a true crime novel with some testimonies and images of those people playing the detective – in a structure very reminiscent of Discovery Channel documentaries, for example. It’s a special format for an even more fascinating cause.
It is this differentiated approach that distinguishes disappearing into the air From various other documentaries on the issue. More than simply recounting the events of 1971, the production plays with how much Cooper has thrilled the country’s imagination all this time and to the point of becoming an obsession for many people—and the hero of many others.
DB Cooper: Hiding in the Air Available now on Netflix.
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