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Choosing the exiles, Nadja Pessoa goes to the Exile of Ilha Record
Playback / RecordTV
On Saturday (4), the exiles were able to interfere with the game of explorers island record. Choosing the group, Nadia goes into exile.
To bring the news to the participants, Lucas Selfie toured with the Guardian and went to the Village in person.
The announcement surprised everyone. The actress’s arrival in the cave was not at all friendly.
Nadia and Lucas Selvi exchanged “bars” and the atmosphere became heavy. Antonella and Tomaz tried to de-escalate the conflict, but were unsuccessful. See how it went:
The reality show airs Monday through Friday, starting at 10:45 p.m.; And on Saturday at 11 pm on the screen TV recording.
Watch the full and exclusive contents of island record No PlayPlus.com
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