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A person living in the UK undergoes double arm transplant surgery

A person living in the UK undergoes double arm transplant surgery

Scotland player Steven Gallagher has undergone a double arm transplant after suffering from a rare disease called scleroderma. It marks a significant breakthrough in the alternative field and opens the way for the emergence of a new area of ​​intervention for those in this position.

Team Leeds Teaching HospitalsFrom the United Kingdom, the hands of a patient with very limited mobility were removed from the hands of a deceased donor.

This is the first time this technique has been used to replace hands affected by scleroderma. Autoimmune disease affects the tissues and causes scarring of the skin and internal organs. In the case of Gallagher, the hands were severely affected and the fingers were locked in a completely closed position.


The 48-year-old patient says the transplant surgery performed earlier this year changed his life.

“I have more movement now than I did before. SThose hands are my part. It looks like they’re fixed. Now, five months after my transplant, I can move my fingers, thumbs and wrists, ”said Steven Leeds Teaching Hospital.

This problem plagued daily life for at least seven years, when the hands were closed and the fingers were bent, allowing only the movement of the thumbs. He said he was forced to stop working after undergoing several treatments before surgery that were ineffective.

Fortunately, Steven attended a lecture in which plastic surgeon Francesco del Caldo mentioned transplant surgery for patients with scleroderma. After the lecture, the person contacted the medical team to see if anything could be done to restore his hands.

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